Can Dogs Get Strep Throat

Can Dogs Get Strep Throat? - Symptoms, Treatment, and Prevention

Canine Companions: Uncovering the Mystery of Strep Throat in Dogs

This article discusses the possibility of dogs getting strep throat, a bacterial infection caused by group A streptococcus bacteria. Symptoms of streptococcal infection in dogs include sore throat, fever, coughing, loss of appetite and difficulty swallowing. It is possible for a dog to get infected through contact with another animal or person who has the bacteria or through contaminated food or water. Prevention methods such as good hygiene practices and taking your pet to the vet if they show any signs of infection are also discussed.

Can Dogs Get Strep Throat?

Strep throat is a bacterial infection caused by group A streptococcus bacteria, which can affect both humans and dogs. It is also known as Streptococcus pyogenes and it’s highly contagious. While it’s not common for dogs to catch strep throat, it is possible for them to be infected with the bacteria that causes it. In this article, we will discuss the symptoms of strep throat in dogs, types of streptococcal bacteria and how to prevent your dog from catching it.

Can Dogs Get Strep Throat

Symptoms of Strep Throat in Dogs

If your dog has been infected with strep throat, they may experience a variety of symptoms including: sore throat, fever, coughing, loss of appetite, difficulty swallowing and swollen lymph nodes. It is important to note that these symptoms can be similar to other illnesses so if you suspect your dog has developed strep throat then you should take them to the vet for a proper diagnosis.

Types of Streptococcus Bacteria

There are several types of streptococcal bacteria that can cause strep throat in humans and dogs such as Streptococcus pneumoniae, Streptococcus pyogenes and Streptococcus agalactiae. Each type has its own set of symptoms which may vary depending on the severity of the infection.

Source of Infection

The most common source of infection in dogs is contact with another animal or person who has the bacteria. This could include sharing food bowls or toys or coming into contact with saliva or mucus from an infected person or animal. It is also possible for a dog to get infected by drinking contaminated water or eating contaminated food.


The best way to prevent your dog from getting strep throat is through good hygiene practices such as washing their hands after handling any animals or people who have been exposed to the bacteria and keeping their living environment clean and free from contamination. Additionally, if you notice any signs or symptoms in your pet that could indicate they have contracted strep throat then you should take them to the vet immediately so they can receive treatment with antibiotics.

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In conclusion, while it’s not common for dogs to catch strep throat it is still possible for them to develop this bacterial infection if they come into contact with an infected person or animal. If you suspect your dog has developed this illness then it’s important that you take them to the vet immediately so they can receive treatment with antibiotics and anti-inflammatories as soon as possible. Additionally, practicing good hygiene habits such as washing your hands after handling any animals or people who have been exposed to the bacteria can help reduce the risk of your pet catching this illness in the future."

Frequently Asked Questions

Can dogs get strep throat from humans?

Streptococcus pyogenes does not cause tonsillitis in dogs which causes sore throats in humans. However dogs can become temporarily infected with the bacteria when they come into contact with a person with strep throat.

Should I stay away from my dog if I have strep throat?

While, technically, yes, a dog can develop strep from an infected human, it is rare. Most veterinarians won't deter you from accepting those warm cuddles from your dog while you're sick as you are likely not infectious to them. Pathogens for strep throat are species-particular.Sep 13, 2017

Can strep be passed to pets?

The quick and dirty answer is yes - theoretically. Dogs and people can pass it back and forth, but it is HIGHLY unlikely. Strep throat is caused in people by Lancefield's Group A B-hemolytic Streptococci (Streptococcus pyogenes). The primary host is humans and it is passed by airborne droplets that are mostly inhaled.Jan 17, 2012

What animals can get strep throat?

The animals most commonly affected with streptococcosis are horses, guinea pigs, swine, dogs, cats, and fish. Less frequently disease can occur in monkeys, cattle, sheep, goats, ferrets, poultry.

How do I know if my dog has strep throat?

Coughing: Your dog may cough due to the irritation in its throat. Lip licking: This is another sign of discomfort. No desire to eat and drink: Due to the pain of swallowing with inflamed tonsils, your pet may appear hungry but still not eat or drink. Gagging: Your dog might feel like something is stuck in its throat.Nov 13, 2019

How do I know if my dog has a sore throat?

Like us, dogs can get a sore throat. It's rare, but canines can also have tonsillitis. If you notice your dog licking his lips and making swallowing motions, and he has a high pitched gagging cough, it could be a sign of a sore throat, or an indication he has something caught in his throat.Jun 22, 2015

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