Can Dogs Eat Mandarin Oranges? -What You Need to Know

Can Dogs Eat Mandarin Oranges? -What You Need to Know

Canines and Citrus: Uncovering the Benefits of Mandarin Oranges for Dogs!

This article explores the safety of feeding mandarin oranges to dogs and provides guidelines on how to do so safely. Mandarin oranges are generally safe for dogs in moderation, as they contain beneficial vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C, dietary fiber, potassium, magnesium, folate, calcium and iron. Additionally, there are many other fruits that are safe for dogs to eat such as apples (without the seeds), bananas, blueberries, strawberries and watermelon (without the seeds). It is important to remember however that all fruits should be given in moderation as part of a balanced diet.

Can Dogs Have Mandarin Oranges?


Mandarin oranges are a popular fruit and have many health benefits. But can dogs have mandarin oranges? This article will explore the safety of feeding your dog mandarin oranges and provide guidelines on how to do so safely.

Are Mandarin Oranges Safe for Dogs?

Yes, in moderation, mandarin oranges are generally safe for dogs. The main concern is that citrus fruits, including tangerines and clementines, contain a compound called psoralen which can be toxic to dogs if consumed in large amounts. However, when fed in moderation, mandarins are safe for your furry friend and can provide them with some additional nutrients.

can dogs have mandarin oranges

What Are the Benefits of Feeding Your Dog Mandarin Oranges?

Mandarin oranges are a good source of vitamin C which helps to support a healthy immune system. They also provide dietary fiber and several other essential vitamins and minerals such as potassium, magnesium, folate, calcium and iron. Additionally, they contain antioxidants which help protect cells from damage caused by free radicals.

How Can You Feed Your Dog Mandarin Oranges?

When feeding your dog mandarin oranges it is important to ensure that you remove any seeds or pits as these can be choking hazards for pets. Additionally, it is best to peel the orange before feeding it to your dog as the peel may contain compounds that could be toxic to them. It is also important to note that mandarins are high in sugar so should only be given in moderation as part of a balanced diet.

Are There Any Other Fruits That Are Safe For Dogs To Eat?

Yes! In addition to mandarins there are many other fruits that are safe for dogs including apples (without the seeds), bananas, blueberries, strawberries and watermelon (without the seeds). It is important to remember however that all fruits should be given in moderation as part of a balanced diet as they can be high in sugar content if eaten in large amounts.


In conclusion, while mandarins are generally safe for dogs when given in moderation they should not be given too often due to their high sugar content. It is important to remember that all fruits should be given as part of a balanced diet and any seeds or pits should always be removed before feeding them to your pet."

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Frequently Asked Questions

What happens if a dog eats a mandarin orange?

Although the flesh of the mandarin orange is not toxic large amounts are absorbed to cause an upset stomach as the dogs digestive system is not designed for the high acidity of consuming citrus. Mandarins are also high in sugar so diabetic dogs should always avoid giving them.

How many mandarins can a dog eat?

A segment or two of a mandarin daily should not harm them, and Vitamin C is water soluble, so any excess shouldn't accumulate in the body. That said, remember to take out the seeds and peel this tasty citrus treat to avoid any digestive upset later.

Can dogs eat mandarin orange peels?

Orange peels are not toxic, but they can become lodged in your dog's digestive tract, causing an obstruction and requiring surgery to correct. It's best to keep oranges out of your dog's reach for those reasons.Jul 27, 2022

How much orange can a dog eat?

When it comes to oranges, you should only give your dog a wedge or two in a single sitting and watch for any side effects. Small dogs shouldn't eat more than one-third of an orange, while large breed dogs might be able to eat a whole orange, as long as you dole it out in smaller servings.Jun 8, 2021

What fruit can't dogs eat?

Pips, seeds and stones. Tempting as it is to throw your dog an apple core or similar, the pips, seeds and stones from many fruits contain a small amount of cyanide that can be extremely harmful to your dog and even prove fatal. Notably fruits like apples, cherries, plums, peaches etc need to be avoided.

Can dogs eat tomato?

Are Tomatoes Good for Dogs? Ripe tomatoes are non-toxic, so they aren't poisonous to dogs. In fact, the many health benefits that tomatoes offer is why they are often included as an ingredient in pet food. Tomatoes have a lot of fiber, which helps support your dog's digestion.Feb 28, 2022

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