A Closer Look at the Tiny, Yet Mighty Dog Flea!
This article provides an overview of what dog fleas look like and how to identify a flea infestation. Fleas are small, wingless insects that range in size from 1/8th to 1/4th of an inch and are usually dark brown or black in color. Signs of fleas include black specks on the pet's fur or skin, dark brown flea eggs, flea feces that looks like dark pepper specs, hair loss on the fur, itchy red skin from bites, and excessive scratching and biting at their fur. To prevent and treat fleas, regular grooming with a flea comb should be done along with vacuuming carpets and furniture regularly, using spot-on treatments such as Frontline Plus, and washing bedding regularly.
What Do Dog Fleas Look Like?
Fleas are a common problem for dogs and cats, and it is important to be able to identify them so that you can take steps to prevent or treat an infestation. In this article, we will discuss what dog fleas look like and how to identify a flea infestation.

Appearance of Fleas
Fleas are small, wingless insects that live on the skin of their host animals. They are usually dark brown or black in color and range in size from 1/8th of an inch to 1/4th of an inch. When looking for fleas on your dog's fur or skin, you may notice the following:
- Black specks on your dog's fur or skin.
- Dark brown flea eggs.
- Flea feces that looks like dark pepper specs.
- Female fleas are bigger than male fleas.
Signs of Fleas
- Hair loss on your dog's fur.
- Itchy, red skin from flea bites.
- Your dog scratching and biting at their fur.
How to Identify a Flea Infestation
- Use a flea comb to look for adult fleas, larvae and eggs on your pet's coat.
- Check for tiny black specks (flea dirt) in areas where your pet has been lying down or sleeping.
Look for signs of hair loss or bald patches on your pet's coat which could indicate heavy infestations. If you notice any of these signs, it is important to take action immediately as untreated infestations can lead to serious health problems for your pet.
How To Prevent & Treat Flea Infestations
Regularly groom your pet with a flea comb and brush out any dead hair or debris from their coat. li Vacuum carpets and furniture regularly as this will help remove any eggs or larvae present in the environment. Use a monthly spot-on treatment such as Frontline Plus which will kill adult fleas before they have a chance to lay eggs. Wash bedding regularly using hot water (at least 130°F) which will kill any adult fleas present in the fabric.
Knowing what do dog fleas look like is an important part of preventing and treating infestations. By regularly grooming your pet, vacuuming carpets and furniture, using spot-on treatments such as Frontline Plus, and washing bedding regularly you can help protect both yourself and your pet from the discomfort caused by these pests.
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How do I know if my dog has fleas?
In addition to itching red bumps or blisters on the lower legs at the base of your pets belly or at the base of his tail may indicate that your pet has fleas. Hair loss and dry itchy skin can also be a sign of fleas on your dog or cat. 21 January 2020
What kills fleas instantly on a dog?
An oral fast-acting tablet that contains Nitenpyram is the safest way to kill fleas on dogs instantly. You can also bathe your dog in hot soapy water with Dawn to kill adult fleas, but this is not a good long-term solution.
Can humans get fleas from dogs?
Fleas are very small, wingless, brown-colored parasites that bite skin and suck blood to survive. But fleas can also bite you. While they won't live on your body, you can still experience potential side effects. A flea can jump up to 13 inches, so it's possible a pet or other animal can transfer them to you.Sep 24, 2020
Can you see fleas on a dog?
Are dog fleas visible to the naked eye? Yes! Fleas are small, dark brown or black insects that are visible to the naked eye.Jul 21, 2022
Are fleas killing my dog?
If a large number of fleas bite and feed, your dog can develop anemia, or low red blood cells. This serious medical condition must be promptly addressed through veterinary care, especially in puppies. Symptoms of anemia include weakness, lethargy, rapid breathing and potentially death if the fleas are not killed.
Do fleas bite humans?
Summary. Fleas are a type of wingless parasite that feeds off the blood of humans and animals such as dogs and cats. A flea bite is red, swollen and intensely itchy, and secondary infections caused by scratching are common.