Chicken Meal in Dog Food: Benefits and Nutritional Value Explained

Chicken Meal in Dog Food: Benefits and Nutritional Value Explained

Uncovering the Benefits of Chicken Meal in Dog Food: How It Can Improve Your Pet's Health

This article explains what chicken meal is and why it is an excellent source of protein for dogs. It also discusses the difference between chicken meal and by-product meal, as well as what to look for when selecting a dog food with chicken meal as an ingredient. By reading labels carefully and choosing products with real chicken rather than by-products or animal parts, pet owners can ensure their pup is getting the highest quality nutrition available.

What is Chicken Meal in Dog Food?

When it comes to choosing the right food for your pet, it's important to understand what ingredients are being used. One of these ingredients is chicken meal, which can be found in many commercial dog foods. But what exactly is chicken meal and why should you consider adding it to your pup's diet? In this article, we'll take a closer look at chicken meal in dog food and explain why it's an excellent source of protein for your canine companion.

what is chicken meal in dog food

What Makes Chicken Meal a Good Source of Protein?

Chicken meal is made from cooked chicken meat, which has been ground into a powder or paste. This type of meat meal contains high quality flesh and skin, as well as skin and bone for a higher quality meal that is easily digestible by dogs. It is also a great source of protein for your pup, as it contains all the essential amino acids needed for their health and development.

Is Chicken By-Product Meal Bad for Dogs?

When shopping for dog food, you may come across products that contain chicken by-product meal instead of real chicken. By-product meals are made from parts of animals that have been deemed unfit for human consumption such as dead, dying, diseased or disabled animals. These animal parts are then put through a rendering process where they are heated until all the fat has been removed before being ground into a powder or paste. While this type of meal may be cheaper than real chicken meal, it does not provide the same level of nutrition and should be avoided when possible.

What to Look For When Choosing Chicken Meal in Dog Food?

When selecting dog food with chicken meal as an ingredient, it's important to check the label carefully to make sure you're getting the highest quality product possible. Look for brands that list ""chicken"" as their first ingredient rather than ""chicken by-product"" or ""meat meal"". This will ensure you're getting real chicken rather than animal parts that have been rendered down into a powder or paste form. Additionally, make sure the source of protein listed on the label is 'chicken' rather than 'meat' or 'animal' as this indicates higher quality ingredients have been used in the production process. Finally, avoid any products that list 'dead', 'dying', 'diseased' or 'disabled' animals on their labels as these are not suitable ingredients for pet food and could potentially cause harm to your pup if consumed.


Chicken meal is an excellent source of protein for your dog and can be found in many commercial dog foods on the market today. However, it's important to read labels carefully and make sure you're selecting products with real chicken rather than by-products or animal parts that have been rendered down into a powder or paste form. By doing so, you can ensure you're providing your pup with only the highest quality nutrition available!"

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Frequently Asked Questions

Is chicken meal better than chicken in dog food?

Chickens and chickens are the same. They come in different forms. This chicken is in its natural form with water. The chicken meal is the same chicken but basically dehydrated and ground into a powder. We want to see the chicken for lunch with kibble.

Why does all dog food have chicken meal?

Chicken meal delivers more protein per pound to your pet. Quality chicken meal—not to be confused with chicken by-product meal—is an excellent ingredient for the kibble in your dog's food dish.Dec 19, 2020

Is chicken meal a protein?

Chicken meal is ground up chicken meat that has been carefully dried to a moisture level of 10%. The protein content is 65% and the fat level is 12%. Regular chicken contains about 70% water with 18% protein and 5% fat.

What does meal mean in dog food?

Unlike fresh alternatives, meat meal is made from parts of animals that aren't allowed to be sold for human consumption; things like residual meat, offal, connective tissues and, in some cases, bones. These ingredients are cooked at extremely high temperatures and essentially dehydrated down to a dry, brown powder.

Is chicken meal OK for dogs?

Is Chicken Meal Good for Dogs? Yes! There are plenty of nutritional benefits of chicken meal, which is why you'll often find it in dog food. For starters, chicken meal is packed with protein, an essential nutrient that plays a role in everything from muscle growth to immune functions.

How is chicken meal made?

Chicken meal is made by taking the “leftovers” of chicken after meat has been removed for human use. This is cooked in a process called rendering: grinding the chicken down and cooking it at very high temperatures for several hours to make a powder or meal.

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