Say Goodbye to Dog Gland Smell: -Effective Ways to Get Rid of It

Say Goodbye to Dog Gland Smell: -Effective Ways to Get Rid of It

Say Goodbye to Dog Gland Smell with These Simple Tips!

This article discusses anal glands in dogs, how to identify and treat any issues with them, as well as ways to prevent future problems. Signs of anal gland issues include soft stools, smelly liquid being secreted from the glands, and increased scooting. Treatment depends on the cause but may include manual expression or antibiotics/medication. Prevention includes a healthy diet full of fiber and regular exercise. Paying close attention to changes in behavior can help catch any potential problems early on.


Do you ever notice a smell coming from your dog that is fishy and unpleasant? This smell is likely the result of the secretion of their anal glands. Anal gland issues are very common in dogs, but luckily there are some ways to get rid of the smell. In this article, we’ll discuss how to identify and treat any issues with your dog’s anal glands.

how to get rid of dog gland smell

What Are Anal Glands?

Anal glands, also known as anal sacs, are small organs located on either side of your dog’s anus. They secrete a small amount of liquid when your dog poops or scoots on the ground. This liquid has a distinct smell that can be quite strong and unpleasant at times.

Signs Of Anal Gland Issues

There are several signs that could indicate an issue with your dog’s anal glands. These include: soft stools, smelly liquid being secreted from the glands, and your dog scooting or dragging their behind across the floor more than usual. If you notice any of these signs, it is best to take your pup to the vet for further examination and diagnosis as soon as possible.

Treating Anal Gland Issues

The treatment for anal gland issues will depend on what is causing them in the first place. If it is simply an impacted gland due to blockage, then it may be possible to manually express them by gently pressing down on either side of your dog’s anus until a small amount of fluid is released. However, if there is an infection or more serious problem present then antibiotics or other medications may be necessary in order to clear up the issue completely.

Preventing Anal Gland Issues

In order to prevent any future problems with your pup’s anal glands, it is important to ensure they have a healthy diet full of fiber and other essential nutrients that will help keep their stool firm and easy to pass without causing any blockages or impaction in their anal sacs or sweat glands near their anus area.Additionally, regular exercise can help keep their digestive system running smoothly which will also help reduce any chances for problems in this area in the future as well as helping them maintain a healthy weight overall.


Anal gland issues can be quite unpleasant for both you and your pup but thankfully there are ways to both identify and treat these problems before they become too severe or cause any long-term damage.By paying close attention to changes in behavior such as soft stools,smelly liquid being secreted from the glands,and increased scooting,you should be able to catch any potential problems early on before they become too serious.Additionally,feeding a healthy diet full of fiber,providing plenty of exercise,and regularly checking for any signs of infection can all help reduce chances for future issues with your pup’s anal glands."

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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get rid of the smell of my dogs glands at home?

Dog glands smell like furniture because dogs use them to mark their territory. You can use home remedies like baking soda hydrogen peroxide powder soap or vinegar. A better solution is to use an enzyme cleaner or use a commercial cleaner to remove the odor.

Can you remove a dog's scent glands?

Removing the anal glands cures your dog of all anal gland issues completely. Since the surgery poses potential complications like the development of fistula and stool incontinence, it should only be performed by qualified veterinarians.

Why does my dog still smell fishy after glands expressed?

One reason your Does your dog still smells after glands expressed is that there is still build up. The anal gland secretions can build up and become thick and pasty. This can lead to anal gland blockage. In other words, the glans are plugged.Mar 22, 2022

Why do my dogs glands smell?

Anal glands are small paired sacs that sit on the left and right side (around 5 o'clock and 7 o'clock) of your dog/cat's anus. The cells lining these glands produce an oily secretion with a distinct rotten fishy, metallic smell.

What is the best natural way to get rid of dog smell?

Liberally sprinkling baking soda, a natural odor eliminator, on your furniture or carpet and allowing it to sit overnight is a great first step to neutralize dog smells. Plus, it's completely safe for your fur baby. Another option is to look to your bar cart. Reichert advises spraying areas where dogs lie with vodka.Oct 3, 2022

What causes dog glands to fill?

Anal glands can fill for a number of reasons; most commonly when there hasn't been enough pressure to empty the glands, such as, after a few days of diarrhoea. Whenever they haven't emptied properly, there's a chance that glands can become blocked, impacted and swollen.

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